Third Annual Strategic Executive Development and Action Learning Forum
Monday, 08 June 1998 Action Learning Best Practices Action Reflection Learning in Business Driven Management Development: Lessons Learned from Twenty Years Experience Lennart Rohlin, Founder and President, MiL Institute (Lund, Sweden) Action Learning and Strategic Executive Development in Scandinavia and Finland: Results from a Survey of Leading Companies Åke Reinholdsson , ÅR Utveckling (Stockholm, Sweden) Leadership Development Using Action Oriented and Distance Learning Techniques Wolfgang Braun , Vice President, International Corporate Executive Development Daimler-Benz (Stuttgart, Germany) LDN: Mapping the corporate strategy for Dow's global leadership group Pierre Guillon, Manager, Global Executive development DOW Europe, HRD Strategic Center Bob Kasprzyk , Director, Global Executive Development DOW Europe, HRD Strategic Center Action Learning in British Gas as a Successful Monopoly was Privatised and Became a Global Company Alan Saunders , Associate, BIOSS International (Brunel Institute of Organisation and Social Studies, Uxbridge, UK) formerly British Gas National Management Centre (Stratford on Avon, UK) Using Action Learning to Reinforce a Corporate Initiative: Service Growth Initiative in General Electric. Stephen Mercer, Corporate Leadership Development, Executive Education General Electric, (Crotonville, USA) WHAT DID WE LEARN ? LEARNING FROM ACTION LEARNERS Panel of Former Participants of Action Learning Programs Christian Borel, Philips Mark Thomas, Johnson & Johnson Armin Keller, Volkswagen LEARNING TO SEE Art and Creative Executive Development Included is a special guided visit of the modern art collection, Fondation Maeght, St. Paul de Vence Nicola Powys, Artist Tuesday, 09 June 1998 NEW STRATEGIC CHALLENGES AND EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT: EMERGING AND CHANGING MARKETS Action Learning-- Beyond Survival: A South African Journey Brian Isaacson,Aligned Leadership Theo Swanepoel,Mercedes Benz (Johannesburg, South Africa) Executive Development and Action Learning in Korean Multinationals Taebok Lee,Paradigm Consulting (Seoul, South Korea) Strategic Executive Development in An Emerging Economy: The Case of Poland Grazyna Lebkowska , MBA director, Management Faculty, Warsaw School of Economics (Warsaw, Poland) Problems of Personnel Development for the Market Economy in Russia Ivan Puzin,Rector,Moscow Academy of Business (Moscow, Russia) The Institute of Economics and Information Technology and Its Executive Education Needs Natalia S. Borisova, Institute of Economics and Information Technology (Moscow, Russia) Nicolai V. Semine, Senior Market Development Officer, ITC/Unctad International Trade Center, World Trade Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) The Institute of Economics and Information Technology and Its Executive Education Needs Natalia S. Borisova, Institute of Economics and Information Technology (Moscow, Russia) Nicolai V. Semine, Senior Market Development Officer, ITC/Unctad International Trade Center, World Trade Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ACTION LEARNING EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Capturing and Developing the Learning and Information from Action Learning Programs: Panel Discussion Yury Boshyk , THESEUS Institute Ron Bossert, Executive Development, Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, USA) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND SOFTWARE EVULATION THESEUS MBA students : Mohamed Hedi Mejai, Tianzeng Ye, Toralf Klatt, Andrew Powys Benchmarking and "Benchlearning" Bengt Karlof,Karlof Consulting (Stockholm, Sweden) Comparing Military and Corporate Learning John Lawson , Corporate Leadership Development, Executive Education General Electric, (Crotonville, USA), formerly US Army, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California