
When a VALID becomes a Bridge to the Future : The Unexpected Outcome From “Telling a 15 Second Story” (VALID #20 | December 6, 2022)

When a VALID becomes a Bridge to the Future : The Unexpected Outcome From “Telling a 15 Second Story” (VALID #20 | December 6, 2022)

The reflections from a father and son discussion following VALID 20: Telling a 15-second Story: TikTok, the New Age of Communication & Implications for Business and Society

 What’s a possible outcome from a Global Forum VALID?
Of course, as one of the organizers of the VALID meetings, I always hope they’re seen as a valuable opportunity learn something new and different. But this became especially clear following the December 6th VALID #20: Telling a 15-second Story: TikTok, the New Age of Communication & Implications for Business and Society
What about this VALID was so special?

VALID 20 brought together Valerie Binner CHRO/SVP of HR, OHS, and Real Estate at DeLaval International; and US high school senior, entrepreneur, and social media researcher Christine Sinn to share their perspectives on the social media apps like TikTok and their broad implications for HR and the future of work. Valerie and Christine discussed how, as the popularity of social media platforms continue to rise, they’re profoundly changing our culture, including ushering in new job roles- such as influencer—and influencing our consumption of information, driving our behavior in new ways, impacting our decision-making and reshaping our society.


Video 20


After the VALID, I discussed what learned and my reflections with my son, Lucas, a third year college student studying International Management in Karlsruhe (Germany). I wanted to further understand the Gen-Z point of view directly from a Gen-Z.
Our conversation expanded to discussing the various platforms, in addition to social media, that Gen-Z are using and he directed me to OpenAI and the tool ChatGPT to see what an AI enabled writing tool would blog on this topic. So, we gave ChatGPT an assignment: Create a blog about using TikTok to create a business impact; and the chances and risks for recruitment.
Here’s the result (with no human editing!)

Using TikTok for recruiting can be an effective way for businesses to reach a younger, digital-native audience and showcase their company culture and values. By creating content that highlights job opportunities and the benefits of working for your company, you can attract top talent and build a diverse and engaged team.
There are a few key ways that businesses can use TikTok to enhance their recruitment efforts:

  1. Share company culture: TikTok is a great platform for businesses to show off their company culture and values through short, engaging videos. By showcasing the work environment, team dynamics, and perks of working for your company, you can attract potential candidates who align with your company's values and culture.
  2. Create job-specific content: TikTok can also be used to highlight specific job openings and the skills and experience required for those roles. By creating content that speaks directly to potential candidates, you can reach a targeted audience and encourage them to apply.
  3. Partner with influencers: Influencers on TikTok have large and engaged followings, and businesses can leverage these individuals to promote job openings and attract top talent. Influencer collaborations can help businesses tap into new audiences and drive traffic to their recruitment pages.

There are also some risks and challenges that businesses should be aware of when using TikTok for recruiting. One potential risk is the platform's reputation for being a place for entertainment and leisure, which could deter some more traditional candidates from considering job opportunities. Additionally, TikTok's algorithms and privacy policies may change, which could impact the reach and effectiveness of recruitment efforts. To mitigate these risks, it's important for businesses to stay up to date on platform updates and have a clear and consistent recruitment strategy in place.
In conclusion, TikTok can be an effective tool for businesses looking to enhance their recruitment efforts and reach a younger, digital-native audience. By sharing company culture, creating job-specific content, and partnering with influencers, businesses can use TikTok to attract top talent and build a diverse and engaged team. However, it's important to be aware of the risks and challenges associated with using the platform for recruiting and to have a clear and consistent strategy in place.

Not completely satisfied, we gave ChatGPT an additional assignment: Create a condensed version.
And now here’s that result:

TikTok is a powerful tool for businesses looking to create a significant impact. By leveraging viral trends, engaging with users, utilizing paid advertising, and collaborating with influencers, businesses can use TikTok to drive tangible results. In terms of recruiting, TikTok can be an effective way for businesses to reach a younger, digital-native audience and showcase their company culture and values. By creating job-specific content and partnering with influencers, businesses can use TikTok to attract top talent and build a diverse and engaged team. However, it's important to be aware of the risks and challenges associated with using the platform for recruiting, such as its reputation for leisure and the potential for algorithm and privacy policy changes. To mitigate these risks, businesses should have a clear and consistent recruitment strategy in place.

We were amazed! Not only by the AI tool and its ability to write this comprehensive summary, but its summary is exactly what we discussed during December’s VALID. My only suggested addition to the ChatGPT would have been: Some sort of protective mechanism should also be agreed upon to guard against negative influences on a potential career that may be caused by thoughtless and politically incorrect contributions of a candidate (KGD).
We would encourage you to watch the video [link]—truly fascinating.

We continued to discuss the VALID, the insights gained, the questions it raised, and the advancement and adoption of technologies like ChatGPT. Will AI enabled tools that produce bot generated writing or deep fake videos allow someone with a subversive or destructive agenda to generate meaningful content in the future, using their computer and not their mind? Will this lead to a belief in content that cannot be fully validated? Who will (accessing skills and resources like time and money) be able to filter artificial expertise and check it for accuracy and completeness? Which interpretation of facts will be allowed? If morality is important, how is it considered when these technologies are developed and adopted? Whose values will be prioritized?
I was grateful for this exchange of ideas with Lucas; the discussion has brought us closer as father and son, as well as helping me to understand the differences, challenges, and alignments in our generational perspectives. I’ve developed a deeper respect for my son and his generation.

Thank you Valerie Binner and Christine Sinn—and Lucas Degenhardt. A wonderful and unexpected VALID outcome.


P.S.: I’m curious how you deal with these innovations and what thoughts it evokes in you. Please share your reflections me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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